Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mayor Testa A Serious Sexist Ass Monkey?

Click on Picture to see this WANTONLY SEXIST GARBAGE

YES, this blogger said ASS MONKEY! Seems the Republicans and Peekskill's Mayor Testa (former political boy toy of disgraced Sue Kelly) have no problems participating in male chauvinistic, sexist and distasteful locker room hyperbole, even SEXUAL HARASSMENT on the Peekskill GOP website. What kind a sexually repressed deviant in 2006 would find humor in cutting and pasting the heads of two very well respected FEMALE Counsel Members onto the bodies of genies? Does not matter which party these civic minded women belong too, though they both are Democrats.

The website, which I have posted a picture of at the top of this article is not only TASTELESS, but it is BLATANT Sexual Harassment, a human debasement of the worst kind, a deliberate, malicious, insidiously sinister and vilely repugnant sexist attack on these two Councilwomen Claxton and Foster. The ACLU should be stepping in here and demanding RESIGNATIONS. Where is NOW and a fleet of attorneys pounding on the door of our part time Mayor. This kind of sexual harassment of members of the common counsel cannot and should not be tolerated. Further, if Mayor Testa and his fellow Republicans are treating members of the counsel in such an egregiously negligent and harassing manner, how are they treating various females who are forced to work within the confines of City Hall on a day in and day out basis.

We need investigations here, and Mayor Testa and members of the Peekskill GOP need to attend MANDATORY sensitivity training. Further, the Peekskill GOP and Mayor Testa should be ordered to issue a FULL PAGE apology in the Journal News, or other local publication of Counsilwomen Claxton and Foster's choice.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wake Up Middle Class America...The Time To Decide Is Near

This post is up over on Porgie's News and Views, and I am reposting it here, as I think many Democrats, many Americans in our lower and middle class need to wake up to the reality that we are being forced into slavery by Corporate America, and this nations rich and elite. This article discusses the Illegal Alien Invasion for what it is, and sides cannot be chosen by party association, but must be chosen along class lines, as it is painfully obvious that Washington is attempting to eradicate and exterminate America's hard working middle class. It is time we end the lie being spread that illegals take jobs we will not do, end the lie that they cause us no harm. If our government will not protect us, we must protect ourselves.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Has The Time Come For Americans To Defend Our Borders And Our Homes Ourselves?

This is a REAL PICTURE of REAL ILLEGALS marching across our Southern Border to STEAL OUR JOBS.

To understand some Americans and their anger where illegal aliens are concerned, you first have to go back in time, back to 1986, back to the great Reagan Era Illegal Alien Amnesty with all of its false and unkept promises. The old saying states that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Reagan and those in office promised Americans that we were seeing the last Amnesty, that after it went to in effect, our laws would be enforced, employers would be punished, and those here illegally would be deported back to their home country...we as Americans believed those promises, bought into the lie and Amnesty was signed into law over the skepticism of America, and with many angry it happened at all, who believed it would not work.

That amnesty did not work, and now some six years into the Bush Presidency, a full twenty years from that last failed presidency, we are faced with the same issues, the same problems, but this time they are bigger, more magnified that one could have ever pictured. Sadly, if the political winds blowing through this once fine land are any example, our government learned nothing from history, are not only doomed, but EAGER to repeat history again, prepared, with the help of traitorous help from a newly elected Democratic Majority, to force amnesty down the throats of America yet again, legalizing the stealing of our jobs, the depression of our wages, the ruination of many of our lower and middle class communities in the name of CHEAP WAGES, and in the hopes of winning the Latino voting block.

Two reports today should have Americans up in arms, show that Washington did not listen to us on November 7th, and have no intentions of bringing us change. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want to beat their drums of bipartisanship, and speak of their GRAND AGENDA for the first 100 hours of the 110th Congress, the crowning jewel of that time frame a raise in the minimum wage to $7.25 (supposedly promised as a stand alone piece of legislation). First, if the average America looks at this promise, it's NOT ENOUGH, and even worse, if not coupled with serious border and immigration enforcement, and the deportation of millions of illegal aliens, may be a detriment to those LEGAL AMERICANS on the lowest rungs of our economic ladder. If low life, fetid, repugnant, law breaking companies and employers are already hiring illegals now because they work for less, isn't and increase in the minimum wage without dealing with this issue going to see even more companies following suit?

The Freshman Class positions on immigration reform are out, and they are at best very disappointing. The first thing noticeable, is what is missing...any mention of how to deal with the 12-20 million illegal aliens, and their 4 million anchor babies...a very disturbing and telling absence, proof that Pelosi has Democrats GOOSESTEPPING TOWARDS AMNESTY. Secondly, though many Democratic Freshman CLAIM they want enforcement first, they lay out no plan for such enforcement, while at the same time saying they do not embrace the building of the fence that we Americans had already been promised, had already seen signed into law. In short, a move is afoot to eliminate any fence, to backtrack from a bill already signed into law. If this is the message coming out of the Freshman Class, you already know what the Democratic Party's position is....sell out the middle class they promised to protect in the Fall Election to get elected. Sell out American workers to BIG BUSINESS and the racist La Raza/Latino Agenda, and begin the implementation of Bush's One World Order call to create a North American Union by the year 2010.

Much like the Jews at the beginning of the Holocaust, America's lower and middle classes have remained quiet, even meek, hoping against hope that if we behaved ourselves, kept quiet and went along, that our government would come to its senses, would protect us, our jobs, our homes, our communities.

Sadly, it has not worked, and Americans are the victims of a Job Holocaust that is threatening to steal away our way of life, all in the name of Cheap Wages, all in the name of La Raza (the one race). We are being boxed in, slowly forced into submission and eventual slavery at the hands of the rich and elite who wish to be our masters, us their surfs. If you doubt this, ask yourself this simple question, "Do you think your children will be better off than your generation has been?" There are no gas chambers, no furnaces, but leave no doubt...the middle class here in America is being deliberately, systematically eradicated, we are both witnessing and the victims of a massive extermination like none ever before witnessed in the history of the world, a Class Holocaust whose numbers dwarf even those of Nazi Germany's extermination of the Jews.

Pick up your phones and call to report illegals living in the home right next to yours, packed in like sardines and they laugh at you, could care less. Report a company or individual hiring illegals, same response. We have SS like public officials like Michael Bloomberg of New York who openly DEFY federal laws, go on TV to openly state that his city, his big companies need ILLEGALS, and the cheap labor they represent. Like some sinister agent of the AMNESTY Gestapo he openly stomps on any one who speaks out against illegals, or tries to have our laws enforced when it comes to cracking down on illegals and those who hire them...Mayor's like him in a sense are the gate keepers of the modern day Concentration Camps meant to keep American Workers out, instead of being locked in.

Leave no doubt, we have been targeted for extermination, the weapon of choice financial strangulation. So the question becomes, what to do if our own government, those sworn to protect us refuse to do their jobs? If our government is bent on granting Amnesty to illegals, and providing even more avenues for them to invade our towns and cities, give them a means by which to steal even more of our jobs, what options have we left? If our government refuse to close our border, do we have any choice but to close it ourselves, using our legal rights to bear arms, our legal right to protect our properties and way of life as justification for the actions that we take? Harsh questions, but it was only last month we heard about the story of a Mexican Drug Dealer being given immunity from prosecution while to Border Patrol Agents were WRONGFULLY sentenced to long prison terms for doing their jobs. Perhaps the time has sadly come for a citizens militia, a group of true Americas who will willingly stand up to do the work our government refuses to do.

How many armed American Heroes from the middle class would it take to secure our Southern Border with Mexico? Ten per mile, or should it be 20? Let's have a nice round number of say 50,000 Armed citizens, each of them being paid by a citizens enforcement fund, a privatized border protection service run for and by the middle class. At a salary of $50,000 a year, we need $2,500,000,000 (2.5 Billion) dollars. That sounds like a lot until you divide by say 150,000,000 lower and middle class citizens. Ask yourselves....if you could secure our Southern Border, stop the flow of illegal aliens into America, end the depression of your wages, would you be willing to contribute $25.00 for each person in your house to such a cause? With that small donation, we could easily hire, arm and outfit a citizens army to our Southern Border, buy vehicles, begin building infrastructure, such as our own fences. What if we double that $25 to $50.00 so that we could hire our own work force enforcement officers, retain attorneys to bring civil claims against any one targeted as hiring, aiding or abetting an illegal.

We the middle class are under attack. Our government has not, and is not heeding our call. Our wages are depressed, our jobs are being stolen, and many of us are losing the value of our homes as illegals move in and take over our neighborhoods. The time has come to take action, rather than wasting our time sending faxes and making calls to and electorate who will not listen, will not heed our calls for change. So, the question I ask of all Americans in the Lower and Middle Class...would you support such a private mobilization of our citizens to deal with this issue head on? If you have four people in your home, is it worth $200 per year to you knowing that the illegal alien problem is being dealt with instead of being ignored? Would you support a Minuteman type organization on steroids if they accomplished the work your government refuses to even begin? Corporations already have their own private armies, already have tens of thousands of well trained Corporate Mercenaries ready to do their bidding for a price...isn't it time that America's lower and middle class incorporates itself and lays claim to these self same protections of our own?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Activists NEED To Set a Price

Candidates on both sides of the isle are courting grass/netroots individuals. In the 2006 election, our work, efforts and money were the crucial difference in a lot of close races, and some not so close races. In short, they want our volunteerism, love our dedication to a cause once committed, and the money is and extra added value. Problem is, once the dust settled after the 2006 elections, many of those Congress people we grass/netroots got elected into office are not taking us to Washington with them. In short, we were good enough to have around UNTIL AFTER THEY WERE ELECTED, then the distancing and excuses started to come in.

I spoke to one unnamed Congressman, and was told that the grassroots that got them elected would not be going to Washington with them...seems we don't fit into the system that well. Hello, we worked as hard as we did, sweated our BLOOD because we wanted the system changed. We don't want business as usual, and we do not want Congressional/Senatorial offices run the way they have been in the past, which is to say only well healed large financial donors get direct access, while the rest of us get the traditional thanks for your inquiry letters signed by an electronic signature machine.

2008 has to be DIFFERENT, we cannot allow ourselves to be used, then pushed off to the sidelines once again. If the BIG GUNS wanting to run for President, or for a Congressional seat want our help, we need promises, and ONES WRITTEN IN INK, as in a signed contract. You get elected, we go to Washington, we get a seat at the table for a change. In short, the politician wins, we win, we ARE A PART OF STAFF. A few sandal wearing, blue jeaned, dead head T-shirted, long haired grass roots activist would do Washington a WORLD OF GOOD, and this old hippie for one is tired of doing ALL THE WORK to get these folks elected, then finding our side dumped at the altar.

*NOTE TO is time to DERAIL Presidential hopeful, former Mayor Rudi Guiliani's primary run. It's simple...not only does his company have a MAJOR multi-million dollar contract with Indian Point, on November 22nd he ENDORSED Entergy's bid to renew this aging and decripid facilities license for another 20 years. Set your sites on this environmental pariah NOW.

Nov 25, 10:43 PM EST
Presidential candidates court activists
By HOLLY RAMER and MIKE GLOVER Associated Press Writers

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- He does not come armed with posies and poetry, but when it comes to courting Democratic activists, John Edwards is a determined suitor.

The former North Carolina senator and 2004 presidential running mate never fails to propose when he calls Jim Demers - and he calls often.

"I don't think there's ever been a time I've talked to him when he hasn't concluded by point-blank asking if I'll sign on to his team," said Demers, a Democratic activist in New Hampshire.

Even before the votes were cold in the November election, the ritual courting between potential presidential candidates and Democratic and Republican activists in early primary and caucus states was well under way in anticipation of the 2008 presidential election.

The pairing of White House wannabes with grass-roots activists and local political leaders - a mating dance known in political parlance as the "ground game" - has a serious purpose. Often a relative handful of activists and party regulars determines the outcome of the early primaries and caucuses, which in turn can either launch or torpedo a presidential bid.

Frequently it is the candidates with the best field operations who triumph. Successful field operations rely on influential and skillful local activists to turn out supporters.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Compliments of a very GENEROUS GIFT, President Bush is riding around the countryside on the seat of a very expensive CANNONDALE Mountain Bike. President Bush still supports "Stay the Course, even supports sending in more troops....if you are against the war, can you in good faith ride a Cannondale? Join the Million Clicks Boycott, and force Cannondale to take back their bike.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pelosi and Dem's Should Be ALL OVER This Story

This is PATHETIC...Talk about PORK. Cannondale should be ashamed, and Bush should be impeached.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bush is CHEAP BASTARD...Buy Your Own Bike BUSH

YES, this writer is PISSED off royally...seems that freaking monkey in the White House, George the arse wipe Bush has taken accepting of gifts to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. It's pretty pathetic when the President of the United States, a man who comes from a VERY WEALTHY FAMILY cannot even buy his own damned bicycle.

Seems that he has been taking tens of thousands of dollars in free bikes, outfits, shoes and the like from those wanting something out of him, even if it is the bragging rights that come with saying the president rides your bike...any one here want to bet that OTHER MEMBERS of the BUSH MAFIA are riding around on FREE, top of the line Cannondale Mountain Bikes? If Americans EVER needed a reason to STOP BUYING the Cannondale brand, THIS IS stinking filthy lobbying bastards. Screw the DAMN PRESIDENT, how about donating a few dozen of those top of the line bikes to OUR TROOPS who have returned home? Let George's DADDY buy him a new bike for Christmas, he can afford it. Is it the policy of Cannondale to reward a man who LIES to send troops off to die?

In the article, the author tries to convince us that Bushy Boy is quite the Mountain Biker...give it a rest George, you are not even close. I'd bet even money that dust flies out when you fart, and if you think you're really the biker, meet me at the slick rocks in Moab Utah on a nice warm June day...this former San Francisco Bike Messenger will whip your ass, and show you just how pathetic you really are on a bike. Come on, show America what you are REALLY MADE OF Mr. think you are a hot shot rider because Cannondale outfits you with a FREEBIE bike most serious bikers cannot afford....BRING IT ON. Winner walks away with the other's bike. All your cronies, and paid Secret Service members telling you you're quite the biker does not make it so...we knew you were a panty boy when you ducked out of going to Vietnam. As to Cannondales, claims that they would not do anything to market their gift to the president...sure, this story JUST FELL INTO THE PAPER.

Bush transforms into avid mountain biker
WASHINGTON - Swapping his running shoes for bicycle pedals, President Bush bid adieu to painful runner's knees and transformed himself into a devoted mountain biker — and high-tech gearhead.

Even with elections looming, the cyclist-in-chief made time earlier this month for his ritual mountain biking on weekends. He changed into biking clothes and muddied up his newest ultra-pricey mountain bike given him by a manufacturer, a $5,000 Cannondale with a custom red, white and blue paint job. The 2007 model was put in his hands even before it had been shipped to stores.

Such a passion it is: he also went biking Thursday while spending the Thanksgiving holiday at his mountaintop retreat in Camp David, Md.

"He's an avid rider, a fanatic," said Matt Mannelly, president of Bethel, Conn.-based Cannondale, who hadn't publicized but confirmed what he called an unsolicited gift to Bush a month ago. "We also made it very clear we wouldn't do anything to market this. To give it to someone like the president, who's actually going to use it a lot, means a lot to us."

Bush already has two Trek mountain bikes, one worth $5,500, the other $2,700.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Charity and Compassion, a Worthy Bipartisan Goal

Thanksgiving is upon us, and soon the snow shall fall. As each of you gives thanks tomorrow before digging into your Thanksgiving Day Feast, I encourage you to take a moment to remember those less fortunate than yourself, perhaps take the time to support a charity that works with the hungry and homeless. Towards that goal, Gather Democrats shares the story below which originated on Washington Scandals Blog. May God Bless your family on this special day, and if you are traveling, stay safe and drive carefully.

A Worthy Charity Event for Thanksgiving

Tomorrow, we give thanks, then we FEAST, gorging ourselves on treats, meats and deserts fit for kings...some are not so fortunate, some here in the land of plenty will go hungry. There are a lot of charities that work to feed and shelter our nation's homeless. The "Almost The News" blog hopes you will support one of these, give up a part of your day to lend them a helping hand in helping the less fortunate. In this spirit of giving and thanks, we share with you a brief story from "The Washington Scandal Blog" on one such charity, and one event in Washington, DC.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Live in Washington, DC? Get Out Tomorrow and HELP THE HOMELESS
I'll be up early tomorrow baking our Thanksgiving pumpkin and pecan pies, preparing fresh cranberries, and doing up my own world famous deviled eggs. This early morning descent to the kitchen is a part of my family tradition, a part of the greater traditions that are Thanksgiving in the United States of America. Tomorrow is a time to give thanks, and also a time to share the bounty each of us has been blessed with. In Washington, there is just such an opportunity with the 5th Annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger in Washington, D.C.

If you live in Washington, it is not to late to be a part of this GREAT EVENT, and I would encourage you to show up and walk, run or crawl the 5K which supports SOME (So Others Might Eat), and interfaith group started in 1970 soup kitchen dedicated to the most basic needs of the homeless. Can't make it? Then how about sending them a small donation, or getting involved in their efforts by visiting their website? Some things in life should ALWAYS be bipartisan, and feeding the hungry, compassion for those less fortunate is one of them.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hilliary Still Front Runner...So, The Question Is...

Clinton Remains 2008 FrontrunnerSen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) "remains the frontrunner for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2008, with more than twice the support of any of her potential rivals," a new CNN poll shows.
Sen. Hillary Clinton 33%
Sen. Barack Obama 15%
John Edwards 14%
Al Gore 14%
Sen. John Kerry 7%
Wesley Clark 4%
Sen. Joe Biden 3%
Gov. Bill Richardson 3%
Sen. Evan Bayh 2%
Gov. Tom Vilsack 1%

So, with Hilliary the top gun, and Barack Obama running second, would you prefer:

A) A Democratic Ticket of Hilliary Clinton and Barack Obama


B) A Democratic Ticket of Barack Obama and Hilliary Clinton

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Campaign Reform Has to Be Across The Board

The Democrats seem to be approaching corruption in Washington, and in politics in a fashion that is ALL WRONG. Having been a victim of robo calls myself, I support putting an end to them, but that barely scratches the surface. Further, targeting ONLY 527's is not the way to end corruption in Washington, DC. If the Senate wants to consider serious penalties, including jail time, let it be an across the board solution that targets EVERY ONE.

Further, any such legislation should address other areas of corruption in a comprehensive solution. There should be an end to all gifts to elected officials and their more free lunches, no more tickets to sporting/entertainment events, and no travel...this should include a complete ban on elected officials and staff having access to private planes at greatly discounted prices. Special Interest groups like the Ripon Society, and Even the Blue Dog Democrats should be outlawed, so that the government again becomes one run by and for the people, instead of one owned outright by Corporate America and Special Interests Groups of all types. Lastly, it is time to REMOVE all barriers to forming alternative political parties.

Jail Time for Below-the-Belt Campaigns?

By Paul Bedard
Posted 11/15/06
The new Senate Democratic leadership is planning to pass campaign finance reform that would impose jail time on politicians and political groups that make moves to suppress the vote or lie about candidates.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Snow, Cold Hearted MORON...Amnesty For Border Agents, Deportation for ILLEGALS
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Amnesty For Border Patrol Agents

Am assuming here, that any one not living under a rock is familiar with this story...two border patrol agents sentenced to HARSH prison sentences for doing their job, while our court system gave IMMUNITY to a drug dealer/smuggler. There is a moment afoot to see these twoheroes granted Amnesty...a moment I support, which is why I am posting the groups message to all of my blogs. I hope you will support this cause, and support these two border agents.




Dear Friend:

North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones is leading a campaign to pardon two Border Patrol agents whose only "crime" was doing their jobs ... and he has asked for our help.

On October 19th, United States Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean were convicted and sentenced to 11 and 12 years in federal prison respectively for firing shots at a Mexican drug smuggler who brought 743 pounds of marijuana across the U.S. border!

And if we don't act immediately to prevent this outrage, Agents Ramos and Compean must surrender themselves to Federal authorities -- and will be sent to prison!

If you are already familiar with the story, please click here to send an email to the President, expressing your outrage over this blatant miscarriage of justice

Agent Ramos served the Border Patrol for 9 years and was a former nominee for Border Patrol Agent of the Year. Agent Compean had 5 years of experience as a border agent.

The two agents were vigorously prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s office, but the smuggler was granted full immunity to testify against the agents!

Rep. Jones sent a letter to the White House to express his outrage over the President's indifference toward the plight of these two agents. "Despite my repeated requests for an investigation of this case, and a request by a dozen Members of Congress for the President to pardon these agents, this administration has ignored the concerns of countless citizens who have decried the unjust prosecution of these two heroes."

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow dismissed the idea of a Presidential pardon for these agents as ‘‘nonsensical.’’

Nonsense? What makes no sense at all is for the president to direct his U.S. Attorney's office to go after two dedicated BP agents while allowing a major drug smuggler to go free!

The drug smuggler, who was wounded while trying to escape, received full medical care (at taxpayer's expense); was permitted to return to Mexico; and is now suing the Border Patrol for $5 million for violating his civil rights!

What message does this kind of treatment send to all those other BP agents who risk their lives daily to stop the flow of drugs, illegal aliens and even terrorists across our 2500-mile-long Mexican border? No wonder the President's rating has plunged to below 30%

Please send your email today and then be sure to tell all of your friends and neighbors to visit our website so they can send their own messages to the President!

Thank you for your help and continued support for our work.

Best Regards,
Edward I. Nelson, Chairman

P.S. Please accept my apologies if you had asked to be removed from our files. We experienced a computer problem that corrupted our most recent datafile and I was forced to go back to an archived file that is held for emergency purposes. If you do not wish to receive our email alerts and eNewsletters, please click here to send an email to us so that we may remove your name from our database. Please be sure to put the word REMOVE on the subject line. Thank you.

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Blue Dog Democrats Need to Stop Barking

The contentious fight for the Majority Leader is over, and despite some wanting to turn it into a slam on Nancy Pelosi's leadership abilities, the theatrics were nothing more than a distraction from the real issues facing Democrats, the Congress as a whole, and our nation. In short, we have far larger fish to fry, more important issues on which to focus our attention on...yet, in the never ending struggle to maintain business as usual, the Blue Dog Democrats are barking like a rabid pack of mutts smelling red meat. They need to shut up and get down to the real business they were sent to Washington for...Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, and it is her choice, priviledge and right to name the next leader of the House Select Committee on Intelligence. That choice should be made based on the best person for the job, not who gets another feather in their bonnet. The Blue Dog Democrats want the feather, and are willing to back a poor choice in their quest for same...SHAME ON THEM.

Do the Blue Dog Democrats really think Americans care about their 44 member strong coalition of *supposed* centrist? We do not, and will not unless all of you as a collective whole show us you are capable of GETTING ALONG, and doing the peoples business now that you have the majority. We've seen enough of infighting and power struggles while the Republicans were in charge. Congressman Mike Ross said, "We don't want to be obstructionists, but we don't want to be a rubber stamp," He then went on to say, "We want to bring the party back to the middle." Mike Ross makes a BOLD assertion in assuming America wants a centrist Democratic Party. What we do want, is ACTION ON ISSUES, not rhetoric and infighting within our party.

We want CHANGE in Iraq, want those in Washington to figure out how to force Bush to abandon his failed "Stay the Course" policy. We want immigration reform that DOES NOT grant Amnesty to 12-15 million criminal illegal aliens, and we want our fence. We want to see legislation that saves Social Security, and brings down our National Debt.

If the Blue Dog Democrats need something to do right now, I'll give them a suggestion. Spend some money to hire a web designer, your site is pathetically ugly, the presentation found lacking and unoriginal.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Small Post of Wisdom

Someone left this on my Blog on the DNC site, and thought it well worth sharing with the readers here.

D iversity
E ducation, energy & the environment
M iddle class, poor & working people
O verhaul of foreign policy
C ivil liberties
R esponsible budgets
A ffordable healthcare
T rustworthy
S ecurity & separation of church and state

What's your vision for America?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Senator Evan Bayh Playing Games With Voters?

This from my Washington Scandal Blog on a brewing battle over on Seems Bayh thinks he can toy with the netroots folks, and make false promises about having a discussion with us.

Senator Bayh a Gather Huckster? We Want Answers BIG BOY
The Democrats have promised Americans a more open, honest and available government. I am all for that, and rejoiced when I received an email invite to join Senator Bayh in a discussion over on the site in the Political Group.
The email stated that Senator Bayh would kick off a new series of discussions between members of Gather, and key people inside Washington, with Newt Gingrich on board for next week. How refreshing! So, like a kid in a candy store, I raced off to the Gather site to find Bayh's article and join in the conversation...what I found was a typical STUMP SPEECH with promises of more to come.
People were polite, welcomed him to our forum, and some (like myself) got right down to business and asked TOUGH QUESTIONS, DEMANDED straight forward answers...then we waited, and waited and waited some more. Today, another CANNED it Senator Bayd (probably a low level staffer) gave us the electronic equivalent of the thank you for contacting me letter so many of us have seen after spilling out our pain in a letter to our elected officials, that answered NONE OF OUR QUESTIONS, but suggested we write him PRIVATELY if his BUSY SCHEDULE precluded him from answering our questions in the forum....EXCUSE US MR BAYH, so far you have answered NONE OF OUR QUESTIONS...not even the EASY ONES.
We don't want stump speeches Mr. Bayh, and will not TOLERATE YOU playing with our medium in the hopes of getting some free publicity, or making FAKE CLAIMS to your constituents the next time you stand for election. You came to us on and asked for a platform, and it was given to you. You asked for our questions, and they have been posted...NOW WE WANT ANSWERS, and will use the Internet to badger you for them until we get them, and HONEST ONES, none of this "I'll get back to you on that" CRAP that is normal Washington politics when it comes to speaking to us COMMON FOLKS.

Posted by Porgia Tirebiter at 9:53 PM
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Not to be alarmist, but we have lived in an America where the political party in power was a Pro-BIG BUSINESS AGENDA, special access to lobbyist, show us the money group, grant illegals AMNESTY because we love CHEAP WAGES, and chose to vote the Republicans out of office. Could it be that we have a group of Democrats wanting to push us further down that WRONG PATH, while PRETENDING to be on our side? According to a "The Hill" article found on the New Democratic Coalition website, seems they have been doing breakfast with some K Streeters for some time, and are now ready to start CASHING IN. Watch for keywords in the article like PRO GROWTH...translated is friendly to big business agenda, and granting special access....FOR A FEE.

Dems, lobbyists may expand partnership

By Jim Snyder
The Hill
Copyright 2006, Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. All Rights Reserved.

There have been hotter tickets on K Street than the informal breakfasts sponsored by a group of centrist House Democrats.

Off and on for the past two years, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC), a "pro-growth" group that bills itself as a link between Democrats and the business community, have held regular meetings with a few friends and financial backers on K Street.

Nancy Pelosi STRONGLY Supporting Murtha

OK...there seem to be two camps of thoughts on Murtha...speaking to a source in Washington today who disagrees with me, I still have to give the nod to John Murtha. He may have some dents in his armor, but then we all do. He was the voice that guided us out of the wilderness in that he SHAPED, and FORCED the debate on Iraq to the front burner, made it THE NUMBER ONE issue in the midterm elections. Wonder if he would get up his seat on military appropriations for the nod as Majority Leader....hmmmm.

Anyway, according to an article in The Hill, Nancy Pelosi has begun a full court press as she throws her full weight behind seeing Murtha win the position of Majority Leader. As they say, "YOU GO GIRL". I've already made my own position on this clear both here, and on You Tube. Murtha's got my if that matters in the day of Electronic Vote Stealing Machines. (see Florida) By the way Nancy, lose the suit...tell your husband to make a trip to New York, there are some great places here where he can shop for you...I'll even show him around. You can ask my wife, I have great tastes, and am a serious POWER SHOPPER HERE...for those of you who do not know it, Nancy's husband dresses her, as she HATES to shop.

Pelosi pulls out the stops for Murtha
By Josephine Hearn

Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is imploring her colleagues to support Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) for majority leader, multiple House Democrats said yesterday, dealing an unexpected but not necessarily fatal blow to Murtha’s opponent, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.).

It had been unclear until yesterday whether Pelosi would use her clout to turn votes to Murtha. She endorsed him in a letter Sunday, but some dismissed it as a nod to personal loyalty rather than a statement of her intentions.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Washington Agenda verse People's Agenda

A Video On The Subject:

A Citizen's Letter To Both Sides of Congress:

This email is being sent out to members of Congress on BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. We the American People voted for change on November 7th, spoke loud and clear that we are tired of business as usual, tired of STAY THE COURSE, in Iraq, and in our Federal Government. It is time to return to a government run BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE, not a government run for and by the rich and elite.

One week into the new Washington, and it is already starting to SMELL like the old one did. So, since none of you seem to have a clue about what most Americans (which means the lower and middle class) want, we'll give you a clue. The peoples AGENDA.

1. Iraq War-Stop stalling, bring out Baker's report, and let's change the course. Changing the course does not mean changing the slogan, and letting Bush maintain the Status Quo there. There is a civil war raging, and our troops are caught in the middle. Regardless of what some think, Murtha had it's time for a NEW PLAN.

You Tube Video Soon to be posted on a slew of political blogs.

2. Illegal Aliens...yes, ILLEGAL ALIENS. We do not care how hard working they are, they are stealing our jobs, depressing our wages, and in many cases they are ruining our neighborhoods and lowering our property values...maybe some of you should get out into your districts and SEE what it is like to live next to a house with 30-40 illegal aliens living in it. We want our fence, we want ARMED troops on the border, we want ANYONE hiring illegals severely exceptions. We do not want Catholic Charities using OUR TAX money to run job centers, and we OPPOSE amnesty by any label including Earned Citizenship or a liberal Guest Worker program. It's TIME WE TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN. Immigration Reform should not be about winning over the Latino Vote, it should be about what is best FOR MOST AMERICANS.

3. Tax Cuts...we oppose of of them that have benefited the rich and elite, which is almost ALL OF THEM. Trickle down economics did not work under Reagan, and it is not working now. Stop saddling our children and their children with an out of control national debt.

4. Social Security...first, repay ALL THE IOU's! We want it SAVED, not privatized. Do not tell someone who has paid into the system for 34 of their 50 years of life that they ARE OUT OF LUCK.

5. Medical should be available for all LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

6. Prescription Drugs for our seniors...we want competitive bidding.

7. Minimum Wage...raising it to $7.25 and hour should be just the start. Ireland now has a minimum wage of $9.50 and hour and is thriving! The concept of a living wage has arrived, and Congress needs to make it happen.

8. Estate Tax....KEEP IT. Stop trying to throw millionaires and billionaires a bone.

9. Earmarks...get rid of them COMPLETELY.

10. Term Limits...we want them, and you people need to ENACT THEM.

There is more, but like Letterman, we'll start with the top ten. The Republican Dynasty collapsed in this election, and the Democrats are now on probation. If both sides of the aisle stop their infighting, and learn to work together FOR THE PEOPLE, there is a good chance that most if not all of you will be re-elected in 2008. However, stay the course inside the beltway, and we will toss ALL INCUMBENTS OUT, regardless of the party they claim as theirs.
Porgie Tirebiter

Monday, November 13, 2006

TIme For Grass/Netroots to Start New Party?

Any one who followed this past election cycle knows that the grass/netroots was instrumental in seeing the Democrats into power. Yet, as the power pie is sliced and handed out, once again we are pushed under the table, denied a chair, told to accept the few crumbs that fall our way. The only group getting any real attention from the new Democratic Majority is who has used our efforts, and our money to become a power player with their own agenda.

Groups like the Daily Kos, DD, Swingstate Project and Move On managed to raise over 17 Million dollars for their candidates, that money coming out of the pockets of the grassroots. This does not count money that many of us gave directly to campaigns, or raised on our own small fund raising pages on the Democratic Web Site. No one has put a value on it, but most of us in the grassroots were out putting up campaign signs, knocking on doors, making phone calls, donating time at campaign headquarters acorss the land, running attack blogs, and putting up attack video's on You short, we were the foot soldiers that made this Democratic Victory happen, yet where is OUR PRAISE, where is our seat at the table?

We have almost two full years before 2008, and looking at this reality, looking at how we are always taken for granted, I am wondering if the time has come for us to seriously consider forming a third party? Or, creating some grassroots PAC's to force our own agenda, rather than always supporting someone else's in the hopes that one or two campaign promises will actually be kept. Imagine for a moment a Bloggers PAC, or You Tubers for Change PAC, with all of us tossing our small donations into one big communal pot. Every one LOVES US on the path to election night, but seems we are pushed aside the next morning like a bad hangover, and this might be just what the doctor order to get us the respect we deserve from those we got elected.

Republican Ponies Lining Up For 2008

Right at one week after the decisive elections of 2006 held last Tuesday that swept Democrats into the drivers seat, Republican Presidential hopeful are rushing to officially form exploratory committees so they can begin raising serious amounts of dollars. A Republican Pundit on CNN tonight said the winning candidate in the Republican Primary will need to raise 100 Million dollars just to win the primary...that's some serious cabbage, and means any one winning the nod is already in the pocket of the rich and elite.

McCain was the first out of the gate, officially tossing his hat in the ring over the weekend. Not far behind him was THE RUDI, famous mayor of New York who declared his intentions today. Though not officially in the Race, former governor of New York, Pataki is openning up an office here in the Peekskill area, so you can look for him to officially declare within days.

Bush Supporting, war mongering, stay the course McCain...forget about it. Iraq is not going to turn around soon, if at all. McCain does not support troop reductions and bringing our troops home, but instead wants to greatly increase the troop strength there, and that is not a winning position and makes him unelectable in 2008, not to mention the fact that he's getting very long of tooth...we do not need another episode like Dole's infamous falling off the stage routine.

The RUDI...OK, lets be honest here. He did a MAGICAL JOB during the aftermath of 9/11 but was not really a good mayor, let alone a great mayor before that disaster fell upon our shores. His positions on key issues are all WRONG for the majority of Republicans, and once things start getting closer to the primaries you can look for some serious swift boating to sink his run. PAtaki...he is a sleeze, and not even going to discuss his run. I lost all respect for the man when I saw him attending an event in upstate NY at the old Plattsburgh Air Base...he was off to the side speaking to his cronies and made a very derogatory comment about what he REALLY though about the people of the area.

So, three major hats in the ring, and my money say NONE of them can get elected. So, who else will toss their hats into the Republican Ring, and for that matter who is going to go up against Hilliary...not talking a great pretender in a second tier governor, talking serious contenders here.

Freshman Elects-Take A STAND, Return Gift Baskets

Again, it was just on MSNBC...Freshman Congressional Elects arriving in Washington DC are checking into their rooms only to find NOT ONE, but TWO rather lavish gift baskets waiting for them. These are not WELCOME TO WASHINGTON baskets, but give me your vote baskets. It's influence peddling at its worst, it is the VERY THING we voted against on November 7th. These freshman need to stand in unity for change by RETURNING these freebies that have but one buy their loyalty and vote this Thursday in the race for the Majority Leader.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Challenge to Nancy Pelosi Answered, Now I CHALLENGE THE HOUSE

On Veteran's Day, I saw Nancy Pelosi's letter to the editor of "The Hill" blog, and challenged her on this blog, and via her Congressional email to show her words were not empty rhetoric, prove her support for a deserving Veteran by openly throwing all of her support behind John Murtha. It's refreshing to see she's decided to do just that...not saying my challenge to her tipped the scales, but John Murtha has earned her support in his quest to be Majority Leader. With this endorsement, I would now challenge her fellow Democratic members of Congress to END THE IN FIGHTING, and stand behind her in supporting Congressman John Murtha as the next Majority Leader. It was his bravery in speaking out again George Bush's failed "Stay the Course" policy in Iraq that made last Tuesday's sweeping victory possible, it was his voice that contributed to Bush firing Donald Rumsfeld on Wednesday morning.

Pelosi supports Murtha for majority leader
Sides are being drawn in the Democratic battle over who will fill the position of majority leader in the House. Likely House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given her support to prominent Iraq war critic John Murtha over her current deputy, Murtha's office announced Sunday. Murtha faces a strong rival in Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, now the minority whip.

Impeach Bush? or Not?

Opening up my email today, I found a letter from a citizen's group who has an impeachment petition up and running to be posted further down. Now, as one of the grassroots activist who worked very hard in this past election, I have to admit to some disappointment after the fact. First, as everyone in Washington goes about warring for their share of the credit, many of us grassroots activists who ran blog attacks, put political video's up on You Tube, and donated our time, effort, hearts and cash to local races are being left out of the equation, pushed to the sidelines, denied a seat at the table of input...I suppose on some level that was/is to be expected. What I think most like myself find ever so frustrating though, is the willingness to break promises made to us in the name of appearing as centrist in the new Democratically controlled House and Senate.

Nancy Pelosi ringing the bell of bipartisanship, and wanting to silence the voice of the liberal left on the subject of investigations, prosecutions, and even impeachment of Cheney and Bush. In short, the red meat many of us fought so hard for has been replaced with a cold, day old porridge. It's the war stupid...bring our troops home is the call of the day, and yet a report out this weekend says there will be no troop reductions in the next two years. Bush and Cheney while pretending to embrace the reality of a Democratically controlled House and Senate are still touting a "Stay the Course" policy wrapped in different phrasing. Forget seeking criminal charges against Bush and Cheney, and simply impeach them for incompetence, but to abandon the reality of impeachment all together is an unacceptable reality for a major part of the whole of the Democratic Party who brought this victory home.

How many remember the Iraq Press Gate that got swept under the rug? How is it that a small little company (Lincoln Group) run by a scarcely known personage by the name of Christian Bailey end up winning Department of Defense/Pentagon contracts worth over 100 Million dollars, and how did he get such open access to people like Condi Rice? I want answers. Were we sold a bill of goods in going into Iraq, did Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others know before hand their claims and allegations were over stated? If so, should they be impeached? Maybe 12 years of living under the thumb of Republican rule has jaded me, or perhaps I just want some answers, and where it should be doled out, just a little bit of justice and accountablity. Either way, it would be interesting to know what some of you think on the subject of Congressional investigations, and the possiblity of impeachment.

For those wanting to sign a petition to Impeach George Bush, you can find out more about it here:

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans Day Challenge to Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi, I have taken the liberty of posting below some of your words shared today on, "The Hill" blog concerning your sentiments on Veterans and the debt we owe them. In light of those words, I would now CHALLENGE you to do the right thing for one of our veterans in the Congress. It is time for you to come forward PUBLICALLY, and support John Murtha's efforts to become the next Majority Leader. John Murtha is a true American hero who served his country, and he had the guts and integrity to publically speak up against George W. Bush's failed Stay The Course policy in Iraq when most everyone else was afraid to take a stand. He took the heat, and energized many of us in the Democratic Grassroots. It is because of him that grassrooters such as myself plugged in, got involved and won Congressional seats in Districts such as New York's 19th District where no one gave us a chance. You, and the Democratic Party owe us, and you owe John Murtha. You resolved one leadership problem, and the time has come to resolve another by standing behind John Murtha with every bit of clout and persuasion you can muster. To do anything else would see your words printed to day ringing hallow and untrue.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi-from her comments in The Hill Blog

How we repay the service of our veterans speaks volumes about our national character. That is why Democrats will continue to work to honor our national promise to our veterans. We will work across parties to ensure the VA health care system receives the funding it needs and that veterans receive the benefits they have earned and deserve. Providing for our military veterans and their families is a continuing cost of war and should be a central component of our national defense policy.

In the 110th Congress, we will be proud to welcome five new Democratic Members of the House who were elected Tuesday and have served in our military and have chosen to continue their public service in Congress: retired Navy Vice Admiral Joe Sestak, Patrick Murphy, and Chris Carney, all of Pennsylvania; Tim Walz of Minnesota and Phil Hare of Illinois. We will look to them and many of their Democratic colleagues who are veterans for their advice and leadership on how we can best support those who wear, and those who have worn, our country’s uniform.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Investigate Republican Robo Calls

Living in the 19th District here in New York, I was invaded by the attack of the Robo calls on the Friday-Sunday before the election at my home in Peekskill. Also, as a volunteer supporting the campaign of John Hall, I experienced first hand the anger of some voters upset at the incessant calling. The phone attacks had an impact, but did not keep John Hall from marching to victory...but, those calls were unethical, dishonest and perhaps illegal. Below is a list of some of the money spent in the Republican Robo Calls attacks on Democratic candidate, and as you can see, John Hall was ON THE LIST.

NRCC Has Spent $2.1 Million on Calls, Nearly $600,000 on Attack Calls in the Last Week Alone. As of last week, the NRCC had spent $2.1 million on phone banks. From 10/30 to 11/3, the NRCC spent $597,232.75 on phone calls solely designed to attack 46 Democratic candidates. []
Last week alone, the NRCC spent the following money on attack phone calls on the following Democratic candidates. One news report estimated each call costs only 5 cents each.

AZ-05: Harry Mitchell: $8210.76
CA-04: Charlie Brown: $16,617.24
CA-11: Jerry McNerney: $4120.28
CA-50: Francine Busby: $2641.68
CO-04: Angie Paccione: $10,456.32
CT-02: Joe Courtney: $12,844.56
CT-04: Diane Farrell: $44,964.56
CT-05: Chris Murphy: $17,494.08
FL-13: Christine Jennings: $24,638.82
FL-16: Tim Mahoney: $16,428.72
FL-22: Ron Klein: $3813.36
GA-08: Jim Marshall: $10,546.68
GA-12: John Barrow: $16,087.86
IA-01: Bruce Braley: $8386.26
IA-03: Leonard Boswell: $13,812.12
ID-01: Larry Grant: $23,752.26
IL-06: Tammy Duckworth: $11,474.31
IL-08: Melissa Bean: $14,134.38
IN-03: Tom Hayhurst: $13,746.88
IN-09: Baron Hill: $12,852.36
KS-02: Nancy Boyda: $4,093.74
KY-02: Mike Weaver: $1,510.74
KY-04: Ken Lucas: $15,242.10
MN-06: Patty Wetterling: $21,053.90
NC-11: Heath Shuler: $11,843.70
NE-03: Scott Kleeb: $3,492.66
NH-02: Paul Hodes: $19,321.98
NM-01: Patricia Madrid: $6,702.42
NV-02: Jill Derby: $10,934.16
NV-03: Tessa Hafen: $12,197.70
NY-19: John Hall: $16,123.62
NY-20: Kirsten Gillibrand: $11,143.38
NY-24: Mike Arcuri: $6,824.82
NY-25: Dan Maffei: $17,183. 46
NY-29: Eric Massa: $10,855.26
OH-01: John Cranley: $9,236.64
OH-02: Victoria Wulsin: $7,953.84
OH-15: Mary Jo Kilroy: $11,826.84
PA-04: Jason Altmire: $23,111.61
PA-06: Lois Murphy: $14,253.66
PA-08: Patrick Murphy: $18,969.36
PA-10: Chris Carney: $3,942.00
TX-22: Nick Lampson: $2,258.61
VA-02: Phil Kellam: $14,345.58
WA-08: Darcy Burner: $14,992.80
WI-08: Steve Kagen: $20,794.68

Hannity and Right Wing Nuts Seething

First up...Rumsfeld is GONE! In honor of the out of power and out of luck religious radical right wing of the Republican Party, let's have and AMEN on that one. Now we have Bush wanting to replace this villian with another evil character, one of his Daddies hand picked cronies ,in Gate's, who headed the CIA under Bush 1's enept term in the White House. Has Bush learned nothing in Tuesday's defeat...America wants to see change, and change does not mean going BACKWARD in time to his father's previous administration. How about some new FRESH faces in the Cabinet, instead of trying to foist off a has been retread from ancient times?

It's Friday night, and for amusement I am watching Hannity foam of the mouth on the FOX pro-Bush channel with his mental midget twin Michelle Malkin, both of whom are whining incessantly about the Democrats decisive win in Tuesday's election. Poor old Hannity just cannot stand that he and his party are slipping out of the lime light. With the radical rightwing zealots agenda officially rejected, he is ON HIS WAY OUT, and cannot stand it. He and Michelle Malkin are incapable of toning down their rhetoric and moving towards the middle, and in their stubborness they are becoming obsolete. It is time for Colmes to find a new partner, and time for Michelle Malkin to get a life and lose her blog. With any luck, Ann Coulter's criminal problems in Florida will have short circuited her potty mouth...find it funny she of all people is suspected in voter wrong doing.

Hannity is also beating the publicity drums for John McCain who announced today that he is forming a committee to run for president in 2008...let me give Hannity and the Republican Party a clue. Any candidate they put up who stood firmly behind the Bush policy of "Stay The Course" in Iraq does not have a chance in hell in 2008, and on the top of that list are two people...John McCain and Joe LIEberman. Democratic Senators in Washington may think it smart to welcome Joe back to the party with open arms, but for those of us in the grassroots, he's a turncoat who should sell his soul out to the Republicans, as we do not need him. Hannity needs to find someone else to support as a candidate, and needs to wake up to the reality that his own base is rapidly vanishing, and he either tones down his rabidly obvious hate of Democrats, or he will soon be off the air and out of the national spot light he so craves and adores.

Liberal Far Left Being Pushed Aside?

It's three days after the election, and for this somewhat far left voter, the writing seems to be on the wall...we were good enough to carry the Democrats into power in Tuesday's election, but now that the dust is settling, we are being pushed off to the side, ignored as the party tries to embrace a centrist image. We rapidly are becoming the fraternal ugly twin of the Republican Party's Religious Right who were given promises during the campaign, but tossed aside and ignored once election day had come and gone. They found themselves without a true voice in the process, and early signs indicate the liberal left will suffer a similar fate.

The earliest sign of this reality came in news articles aimed at denying bloggers and You Tube video makers their share of the credit, and with that credit, access to our elected officials.

Many of the local Congressional races were tough, hard fought battles with razor thin wins. In New York's 19th Congressional District for instance, it was a 51-49 percent ordeal with less than 10,000 votes separating the two candidates. Democrat John Hall is going to Congress having upset favored six term Republican Sue Kelly. One You Tuber loaded up numerous video's attacking Sue Kelly's record, and just one of those video's had just short of 3,000 views just ten days before the election. That same You Tuber had various attack blogs that received well over 30,000 hits in the months just before election day. One group of grassroots folks put up and maintained the Take 19 blog for 18 months, being in the fight for at least six months before John Hall even entered the race. Yet, three days after the election, there is NO EFFORT to reach out to these folks, no plans to give them a seat at the proverbial table. None of us are reaping the rewards of our efforts, while others who apparently are more politically correct are already seeing benefits...being brutally honest, where is OUR PLUM? Where are some of our faces as new staffs are put together, where is our seat at the strategy table?

In his public messages since the election, Dean seems to be sending out to all of us a clear signal that there will be NO INVESTIGATIONS of the Bush administration, and that bipartisanship is the new BUZZ WORD of the party. HELLO...many of us worked our buns off to put Democrats in power because we wanted investigations, wanted the true tale of the corruption brought out into the light of day. What, the Foley scandal now gets swept under the rug, Gitmo has become a mute issue? Bush fires Rumsfeld and Mehlman steps aside at the RNC and we all make nice? Do the Democrats now in power think this is what we fought so hard for? Bolton being pushed out come January the icing on the cake as our new Democratic leaders give us a wink and a nod and turn their backs on that what we fought so hard for?

The Liberal Left was marginalized and insulted for 12 years under Republican dominance of Washington. When the time was right, we stepped up with our time, money and hearts and carried our party into control. Now, we seem to be hearing the beat of ugly drums, the message beating into our have served your purpose, been good foot soldiers for the cause, but now you need to step aside and be silent as we drag our party into the center and secure our new found gains. What about OUR GAINS, what about our voice here on the left? We came together as a team to win a majority in both the House and the Senate. In sports, you do not abandon what brought you to the big game, you go with that winning strategy...I'd caution the Democratic Party to heed that advice, would suggest there is a great deal of peril in 2008 if you snub the liberal left, fail to give credit to the bloggers and grassroots activist that got you to where you stand now. Defeat in large numbers if you fail to give us seats at the table of power...we brought you back into power, and we can see to it you are taken out of power as well.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Will Liberal Stance on Immigration Cost Democrats The Majority in 2008?

Two days out from a decisive election sweep of both the House and the Senate, the issue of illegal aliens and immigration reform is BACK IN THE NEWS. Mexico's President Elect Calderon is decrying the fence, and demanding OPEN BORDERS. In short, the issue is a perfectly laid trap which could snare the Democrats, and see their victory a short lived majority.

Our Southern Border with Mexico must be secured, the fence must be built, and the time has come to put military troops on the border to stop not only the flood of illegal aliens into America, but to end the illicit and burgeoning drug trade from Mexico, which is now their third largest income producer behind oil and remittances from illegal aliens living here in America. We need stiff penalties for any one hiring illegal aliens, or aiding and abetting their stay in America, and this includes landlords, and the Catholic Church. Herein lays the snare for the Democrats...if they grant anything remotely resembling Amnesty, if they trash a fence to secure our Southern Border with Mexico, if they slap lower and middle class Americans by allowing illegals to continue their stealing of our jobs, and the lowering of our wages, they will suffer one of the worst election defeats in the history of America in the 2008 election cycle.

Democrats were sent to Washington to send a clear message that Americans were tired of Stay the Course in Iraq, and tired of a scandal ridden Republican Party...BUT, we as a whole favor BORDER SECURITY, strong criminal sanctions against those who hire illegals, and are against Amnesty and a liberal Guest Worker Program. Will the Democrats be SMART ENOUGH to know this, smart enough not to put their foot in the snare? Sadly, I am afraid they will play right into the Republicans hands on this one, be foolish enough to set aside the fence, set aside border security, and welcome illegal aliens with open arms, and in that one move lose every gain they have just made.

Calderon to meet with Bush on Thursday; cites need for bridges, not walls

Updated: 2 hours, 6 minutes ago
Ahead of a meeting with President Bush, Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon is acknowledging his unhappiness with U.S. border security measures, saying the two countries need “bridges for progress and not walls that isolate and divide.”
U.S. steps to stem the flow of migrants across the border were expected to dominate Bush’s discussions on Thursday with Calderon, who takes office on Dec. 1.
Mexico has been highly critical of the U.S. plan to build a 700-mile fence along the border. The law authorizing the fence was signed by Bush on Oct. 26.

Cheney Just Got Castrated

It's official...Dick Cheney has just been castrated, and can no longer play TIE BREAKER in the United States Senate.

With Allen officially conceding that Webb won the Virginia Election, Democrats now hold a 51-49 majority in the Senate which now makes Cheney nothing more than a figure head with greatly diminished power. Perhaps he'll now have more time to go hunting?

Personally, I'm more than dissappointed that the Democrats are shying away from opening up investigations, as I think both Cheney and Rice need to follow Rumsfeld into retirement. Not saying impeachment proceedings, but using some well placed investigations to force them to offer up their resignations for the good of America. Cheney has been evil personified since he took his oath of office, and a believe a large portion of the blame for the mess in Irag rightfully falls at his feet.

John Hall's Letter To Faithful

The day after the day after, and we have our first word down from on high, so thought I would share it here. One interesting note about the letter...seems Sue Kelly is wanting a recount, and has withdrawn her concession.
John Hall's Letter to the Faithful
Dear Sherwood,
By now, most of you have probably heard the good news, but for those of you not glued to the TV news ...
Our amazing campaign ended last night with amazing, suspenseful, ultimately jubiliant victory party. With 97% of the precincts reporting, we've earned 51% of the vote. (The rest of the votes are coming in from heavily Democratic areas). You can watch part of my victory speech on the Times Herald Record website.
There are hardly enough words to thank you for supporting me in this race. Six months ago, the pundits said the 19th was a "solid Republican" district. The powers-that-be wrote us off, from both parties. The media treated us like a novelty.
But you believed. You had faith. You could see what the "experts" could not: That people power can still triumph in America. That small donations can beat $2 million in corporate lobbying money. That one motivated volunteer is worth 1,000 attack ads. That hope and truth can still overcome fear and lies. That the good guys do, in fact, win in the end!
Despite Sue Kelly retracting her concession and asking for a recount, you and I and everyone in the Hudson Valley knows that we won. I should note that I agree with Sue Kelly's statement that every single vote should be counted. This is America, and if any election proves the power of one single vote in our democracy, this is it. We are confident that when the ballots are tallied, our margin of victory will give me a clear mandate to represent New York's 19th District.
I, for one, will not let this legal wrangling cloud our celebration. Instead, I will offer you my sincerest, warmest thanks. This campaign was nothing without supporters like you. I hope you feel incredibly proud of this historic victory. It is mine. It is yours. It is OURS.
You fought hard for me. Now it's my turn to go to Washington and fight for you. Because our fight for change, and justice, and truth has only just begun. Stay with me as we take our dreams to Washington.
Most sincerely yours,
John Hall

Democratic Majority...the First 100 Hours

Today, the big news coming out in the press is a bold agenda for the first 100 hours of the Democratically Controlled Congress come January of 2007...first on the list for Nancy is raising the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour. Let's be HONEST's NOT ENOUGH! Ireland now has a minimum wage of $9.50 per hour, and that amount in Ireland provides its citizens with close to a living wage, and it is time for America to pay its citizens just that...A LIVING WAGE.

The War in Iraq...Rumsfeld is gone as of this morning...heard the breaking news first on the BBC and it was verified by an announcement on CNN shortly thereafter. Question is, do we want Mr. Gates replacing this man, and should it be accomplished during a LAME DUCK session of the house between now and the end of the year? For those with short memory, Mr. Gates is one of those throw back cronies Bush loves to surround himself with...Gates served the first President Bush, is another in a long line of OLD GUARD REPUBLICANS.

Next on the list...Healthcare, and I already have a problem with what is being discussed. The proposed goal...provide health coverage for all Americans UNDER 25! There is a RED HERRING if there ever was one. For the most part, those under 25 need health coverage the LEAST. I was without major medical coverage myself until my mid 30's...the joys I suppose in being a self employed business owner trying to build a new company. Luckily, other than a couple of visits to the emergency room, nothing serious cropped up for myself and family during that time in my life. How can you provide something for ONE GROUP of Americans, and leave another group out? Should someone who is 32 be told, "Sorry, for right now we are only giving coverage to those UNDER 25, and you sadly are TOO OLD"? Curious many Americans could be given medical coverage if we had 12-20 million FEWER illegals here stealing our jobs, and lowering our wage base?

OUCH...I know, tough one, but I am noticing that Illegal Immigration, and SECURING our Southern Border have not been mentioned as a part of this miraculous 100 hour Agenda. Let's not forget, that for many of us in the lower and middle class who voted for Democrats this is an important issue, if not one of the top TWO ISSUES. I for one am tired of hearing the lie, that illegal aliens are only taking jobs we Americans are too proud to take. I am one of those that would support a 2200 mile long wall along our Southern Border with Mexico to stop the tsunami of illegals and drugs coming in through Mexico, and if Mexico does not like it, that is THEIR problem, not ours.

There is just under two months before the new Democratically Controlled Congress takes over the House, puts their people in the Committee Chairs...based on that reality, what would you like to see put on that list of things to accomplish in the first 100 hours?

Gather Democrats Goes National

Follow the yellow brick road, or Gather Democrats goes National by claiming this blog over on the Technorati blog tracker site...a must for ALL SERIOUS BLOGGERS. So, skip this post, as it is meant for the spiders.

Technorati Profile

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Offensive Fund Raising...Enough Already

OK, I've plugged into the process, have spent many months now working on bringing change to Washington, DC by working to get my Democratic Candidate of choice elected to the new class of Freshman Members of Congress. I have given generously of my time, energy, heart and money since choosing to support John Hall's run for Congress.

Last night, my efforts, and the efforts of literally thousands of people just like me were rewarded with a shocking John Hall victory over incumbent Sue Kelly. It is and should be a time to savor our victory...right? So tell me why it is, that not even one day later I find myself being HOUNDED for a donation from the National Democratic Committee and our own lovable Mr. Dean. Sorry, but I find it offensive, so posting a portion of his note below.

You can commemorate these historic wins and lay the groundwork for a generation of victories ahead of us by joining the Democracy Bond community now:

It's been a big Election Day, and every Democrat has earned the right to celebrate today. We won elections up and down the ballot tonight because Democrats are ready to lead.

There's one more thing anyone watching the Democratic Party should know today:

We're only getting started.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.

Open Letter to Congressman Elect John Hall

Dear John Hall:

You WON...we won! In less than two months, you will be sworn in as a part of a large new class of Freshman members of Congress. We here in the 19th District are proud of you, and excited about your future in Washington, DC. There are LOTS of issues that will need to be addressed upon your arrival in the capital, issues that have divided our district, and divided our nation. I want to discuss those issues, give you one simple citizen's views on some of those issues.

Iraq War-Stay the course verse Cut and Run. If only it were actually that simple of a choice. One thing is crystal clear...Bush's failed Stay the Course plan is not working, and Rumsfeld needs to go (IS GOING....great news!) at all cost. Question is, where do we go from there, and what is going to be the Democratic Plan to effect POSITIVE change in Iraq, and see our efforts properly focused on the War on Terror. Obviously, as one lone citizen, I am limited in what I know on Iraq, much of what goes on hidden from my eyes. Based on what I have been able to discern, seems we only have two viable choices.

1. Greatly increase our troop strength in Iraq, and get back on a war footing until we actually weed out and defeat the insurgency, and as a part of that, we have to defeat and disarm the local militia's. I do not see this as a viable reality unless we are willing to put at least 400,000 troops on the ground in Iraq who are properly trained and equipped. Is this a viable reality without re institution of the draft? Are we as a nation willing to make that large leap away from our all volunteer military, do we even have a choice at this point?

2. Embrace many of the concepts and ideas expressed by Congressman Murtha, and redefine our entire involvement in Iraq. If a civil war is unavoidable in Iraq, we cannot leave our troops stuck in the middle of it, and cannot afford to chose sides in such a fight.

There are NO PRETTY CHOICES. We want our troops home, and sooner than later...the question becomes, how to do it in a way that still makes political sense, not just here at home, but on the larger global stage. Which leaves us still with the war on terror. I think we owe Afghanistan more of a commitment, and think we also owe our own citizens far more than we have gotten so far from President Bush and his administration. First thing on the home front has to be TRUE BORDER AND PORT SECURITY...which in turn brings us to what I feel is the second biggest problem on the laundry list of items needing immediate attention, what to do about illegal aliens, and the 12-20 million already here, the majority of them being from Mexico.

Early on in the primary it was apparent you and I saw this issue from different perspectives, but I was/am impressed that you were willing to openly discuss the issue, and were willing to LISTEN...something few in office seem capable of doing, and it was that willingness to listen and discuss such a hot button issue that impressed me, and won me over to your side. Now you are Congressman John Hall, and will be dealing with this issue, as our nation depends on Washington finding solutions. This contentious issue, perhaps more than any other is the key to Democrats holding on to the important gains they made in last nights elections. The only workable solution I see, is dealing with the issue comprehensively, but singularly.

1. Secure our border, stop the influx of NEW BODIES illegally entering our nation. Yes, we have to figure out what to do with those already here, but we cannot really deal with that problem until we solve the more immediate problem, which is the ever growing number of illegal aliens in America. With each passing day, week, month and year that the federal government ignores this problem, the larger the number grows, and as that number of illegal aliens grows, so grows the cost being paid by those of us in the lower and middle class sectors of American society. Don't try to tell us our jobs are not being stolen, or that our wages are not being depressed, as they are. I know it first hand, have watched my own chosen livelihood slowly disappear like vapors burned away by the suns early morning rays. Further, local police and governments refusing to be involved in finding workable solutions are negatively impacting many of us...I would encourage you to speak to families, homeowners who have the misfortune of owning houses in neighborhoods being taken over by illegal aliens, take a serious look at the declining values of our homes because of neighboring homes that now have 30-40 people living in them. These problems will only grow worse if we refuse to secure our Southern Border, and stop the flow of illegal aliens coming into America.

2. Shut off the JOBS MAGNET. Honesty and integrity in government...that's a part of what this new sweeping Democratic Majority is supposed to be about. Well, a big part of why we have 12-20 million illegal aliens here, is BIG BUSINESS has a love affair with cheap wages, and this large pool of illegal aliens provides that huge pool of bodies that allows these corporations to keep our wages down. It's a basic rule of economics called supply and demand. A large supply of ready and available workers allows companies to offer less in wages, and less in benefits such as major medical coverage, and retirement benefits. So, it is time to create SERIOUS sanctions against any one who hires an illegal alien. More importantly, these new enforcement measures are meaningless if A) the money is not budgeted to actually enforce the sanctions, and B) if government at all levels (local, state and federal) do not play an active role in finding, identifying and prosecuting everyone and any one who employees an illegal alien.

3. Close the anchor baby loop hole that sees illegal aliens doing whatever it takes to give birth to a baby on US soil. Right now, by conservative estimates America has over 4 million anchor babies who's parents are here illegally. This was not the original intent of the 14th Amendment, and this law needs changed to shut down this additional magnet. Those already born here should be allowed to have US Citizenship, but the policy has to be changed.

4. What to do with those already here is a difficult problem, and solving it requires hard choices, and not everyone is going to be happy, no matter what approach is taken. Allowing all those already here to stay is simply not acceptable, and would be patently unfair to legal American citizens in the lower rungs of our economy. Sending all 12-20 million back home also is not acceptable, though could be workable...the solution is to be found somewhere in the middle, and I would suggest that middle ground is found with the cut off date of January 1st, 2001...we have to draw a line in the proverbial sand, and then stick to it. If you were here before then, you would qualify for some kind of a pathway to citizenship (barring any criminal prosecutions or a criminal record), but if you arrived here after that, sorry but you have to go back to your home country, and stand in line.

5. Chain immigration...when a person decides to migrate to a new country, that is a personal decision. It is unfair to America and our citizens to have artificial limitations on our immigration policy by allowing immigrants to use the backdoor to bring more people here. Family unification is something that should be thought about and decided on before someone decides to migrate, and it should not be our responsibility to MAKE EXEMPTIONS in the name of said family unification's.

6. Guest Worker Programs...this always has been, and will be a very slippery slope. How many illegal aliens who are here now came in to work as migrant farm workers? How many already here came in for one job, and then moved into another? Further, is it fair to bring in certain workers (IT comes to mind) because they will take a starting salary which is lower than the prevailing wage of an American worker in that industry?

The whole issue of wages brings us to minimum wage. The Democrats are promising to raise the minimum wage to $7.50 and hour in their first ONE HUNDRED what, the minimum wage in Ireland is now $9.50 and hour. At 7.50 and hour, working a forty hour work week, a minimum wage worker grosses only $300 a week. Take out all the deductions for social security, federal taxes, state and local taxes, unemployment, workers comp and the like, and that three hundred drops quickly, and we still have not factored in sales taxes on goods purchased, state and federal taxes piggy backed onto gasoline, and you can quickly see that raising the minimum wage to $7.50 an hour is inadequate at best.Being generous, take home pay at $7.50 an hour would net someone $13,000 a year...can we say POVERTY?

We can do better than that! How much has the wage of a Congressman/woman gone up since say 1996?

Cheap wages, cheap's a TRAP! Like it or not, we are a consumer driven society, and until or unless we change that reality, cheap wages risk killing our economic machine and throwing America into a depression as you wipe out the middle class, and the ability for our citizens to better themselves. The rally cry for some seems to be a chiding, "Go to college, better yourself, make yourself more marketable." Have we as a country become so callous as to believe those without a college degree are somehow less deserving of a living wage, and some respect for their contribution to the whole? Further, how can someone struggling to get by on slave wages realistically afford a college education?

There are so many areas of our government that need addressed, so many problems that need to be solved, and I cannot begin to touch on all of them (such as Social Security) in one open letter, but shall bring up one more....campaign finance reform, and TERM LIMITS. This American is tired of the special access given to BIG MONEY brokers. When Sue Kelly was in office, she did not have TIME to meet with people like me, I was a nobody, along with around 95 percent of the district. No money, no access was/is the rule of the day. It was a bit disheartening last night to see you make a BEE LINE to one small circle of men hiding over in the corner after you finished your interviews last night. Even more disturbing to see you rush off, guarded by huge menacing body guards, sad watching you hide behind the curtains, then rush out and leave without taking the time to move around among those who GOT YOU THERE, it smacked of BUSINESS AS USUAL with many of us feeling dismissed and once again removed from the process...not saying it was or is so, but telling you how it felt. We support(ed) you because you seemed to be one of us, and made us believe that our voices would be heard in Washington...for that to happen, we need serious limitations on PAC Money, and on money doled out by lobbyist and other special interest man one vote SHOULD MEAN SOMETHING inside the Washington Beltway. Further, we need TERM LIMITS...back in 1994 we had been promised term limits, Sue Kelly herself said 12 years, or six terms...that promise was not kept, and I would encourage you and the new Democratic majority to fulfill that promise made to Americans in that last revolution.

I congratulate you on your remarkable win, and am proud to have played a small part in making it happen. If I can be of any help, feel free to contact me, and I will be at your disposal. It's my greatest hope that you will make all of us in District 19 proud of you and your accomplishments as our Congressman. It's my greatest fear that I'll wake up in two years and realize that nothing changed, and that Washington, DC is still the same old same old.


Porgie Tirebiter

Thoughts and Musings The Day After Victory

John Hall, Congressman elect for New York's 19th district. Sure if you would have asked the political pundits about John Hall's chances to unseat Sue Kelly just 48 hours ago, you would have found some serious doubters. Yet, his staff (Amy, Beth, Jonathon, Tate, Emily, Vane and so many others) and their tireless rag tag group of dedicated activists never gave up, never stopped believing, and have pulled off a stunning upset of 6 term Republican Sue Kelly.

I was there, was a small part of the whole that made it all happen. Was in the audience last night when John Hall (and his family) stood up on the stage to give his acceptance speech to all those who had worked so hard to effect change, toiled into the wee hours of the night to send a new voice, our voice to Washington, DC. We did it! John Hall is going to Washington, DC...he will be sworn in January 3rd, 2007. The party broke up at just after midnight, and with the fog settling in I drove home through spitting rain wrapped in the warmth of our collectively hard fought win, high on the reality that the Democrats had WON BACK THE HOUSE. Home, I could not sleep, did not want to sleep. So, I turned on CNN to get the latest news on the fight for the Senate and enjoyed a three fingered glass of Single Malt Scotch, falling off into dreamland at around 2:00 in the AM.

Now, it's the next day and I find myself sitting here happy, yet sad as emails trickle in. Our man won! Yet, now what? The urgency is gone, that adrenalin which kept me up until 2 and 3 in the morning making video's for You Tube still lingers, but there is no place to put it. As reality settles back in, there's this sudden void where the campaign had been. No need to scour the Internet looking FOR STUFF, any stuff that might help out. No pressing deliveries to be made, no phone calls to make, no fellow conspirator's with whom to speak with about our chances, or lack there of. We won, but now where do we go, what do we as individuals do with that energy we'd harnessed for the election? I'm happy, but a part of me wants to cry at the loss that is just now settling in.

There are some options...out on the porch of the Victory Party last night, hanging out with my fellow smokers, I heard that Pataki is opening up and office here in Peekskill to explore a run for President in 2008. For many of us, he's as HATED as Sue Kelly was. Maybe I should put up a Pummel Pataki Blog, get my attack program up and running early, as I do not want him in this town. I already have some DIRT on the man that could come in handy. Do I want to use it now, and try to blow him out of the water early, or keep my powder dry for use should he win the Republican Nomination. Maybe for now, should just seek out some fellow partisans, and maybe picket outside his office once it's officially up and open. I want to be a part of the process, but still want to do it ON MY TERMS. That reality comes with its own set of thing I learned in this a lone rider with your own agenda, you can play a role, but you'll never be truly ON THE INSIDE. Do I want on the inside? If I do, could I ever really change enough to play by the rules I've spent most of my life avoiding like the plague? I thought at 50 these self discussions were over and past.

Shades of the Beatles as bits and pieces of old lyrics drift in and out of my reality, the proverbial No Where Man, or perhaps the fool on the hill. What to do, and where to go as I search for yet another great adventure, always the adrenalin junkie looking for that next fix, while at the same time not wanting to commit to a system I've never really trusted. Think I'll post this on both my John Hall and Gather Democrats Blogs, and then go make a fresh pot of coffee.