Thursday, November 16, 2006

Senator Evan Bayh Playing Games With Voters?

This from my Washington Scandal Blog on a brewing battle over on Seems Bayh thinks he can toy with the netroots folks, and make false promises about having a discussion with us.

Senator Bayh a Gather Huckster? We Want Answers BIG BOY
The Democrats have promised Americans a more open, honest and available government. I am all for that, and rejoiced when I received an email invite to join Senator Bayh in a discussion over on the site in the Political Group.
The email stated that Senator Bayh would kick off a new series of discussions between members of Gather, and key people inside Washington, with Newt Gingrich on board for next week. How refreshing! So, like a kid in a candy store, I raced off to the Gather site to find Bayh's article and join in the conversation...what I found was a typical STUMP SPEECH with promises of more to come.
People were polite, welcomed him to our forum, and some (like myself) got right down to business and asked TOUGH QUESTIONS, DEMANDED straight forward answers...then we waited, and waited and waited some more. Today, another CANNED it Senator Bayd (probably a low level staffer) gave us the electronic equivalent of the thank you for contacting me letter so many of us have seen after spilling out our pain in a letter to our elected officials, that answered NONE OF OUR QUESTIONS, but suggested we write him PRIVATELY if his BUSY SCHEDULE precluded him from answering our questions in the forum....EXCUSE US MR BAYH, so far you have answered NONE OF OUR QUESTIONS...not even the EASY ONES.
We don't want stump speeches Mr. Bayh, and will not TOLERATE YOU playing with our medium in the hopes of getting some free publicity, or making FAKE CLAIMS to your constituents the next time you stand for election. You came to us on and asked for a platform, and it was given to you. You asked for our questions, and they have been posted...NOW WE WANT ANSWERS, and will use the Internet to badger you for them until we get them, and HONEST ONES, none of this "I'll get back to you on that" CRAP that is normal Washington politics when it comes to speaking to us COMMON FOLKS.

Posted by Porgia Tirebiter at 9:53 PM
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Anonymous said...

It disgust me that somebody with say statements such as above that are so false and about a man with such high integerety and who is doing so much for the nation

Royce Penstinger said...

Sure...have you LOOKED at his donators? Care to share with the readers his $10MILLION plus WAR CHEST? Care to talk about how he WHIMPED OUT over on Gather when faced with HARD QUESTIONS?